台灣嘉信(Kha Shing)遊艇公司最新款船型 “ecHo” 已開始動工
Taiwan's Kha Shing Enterprises has started constructing the first of its newest model in the Monte Fino range.
位於台灣的嘉信(Kha Shing)遊艇公司已開始建造 Monte Fino 系列中的最新款船型。Designated hull 84/6, the 26m (85ft) ecHo is a GRP-built motoryacht that takes its name from the 'H' in Humphreys Yacht Design (HYD) together with 'eco' for its eco-friendly characteristics.
這艘船型編號 84/6,品牌名稱 “ecHo” 的最新款遊艇,是一艘長 26米(85呎),以玻璃纖維強化塑膠此種複合材料建構而成之船體;船名是結合該船設計公司 Humphreys Yacht Design (HYD)的字首 “H” 與代表綠能環保特性的 “eco” 而成的。
ecHo owners can select a full package that includes upgrading to a hybrid engine system with electric propulsion/generator units, frequency converters, battery chargers, lithium batteries, fresh-water cooling and a full battery management system.
“ecHo” 的船主可以選購全套的升級配備,包括:以Hybrid油電混合引擎為主動力源之推進/發電系統、變頻設備、電池充電裝置、鋰電池系統、淡水冷卻系統、全船電池電力管理監控系統。
The yacht's design also allows for grey-water recycling and waste compaction equipment, while high-quality insulation for the hull and superstructure ensure that energy requirements for heating and air conditioning are kept to a minimum.
The ecHo hull 84/6 will be ready for delivery to its new owner in the summer of 2011, says Kha Shing.
嘉信(Kha Shing)公司表示:此最新款遊艇 “ecHo” 預計將於明年夏季建造完成並交付予新船主。
資料來源:IBI News, 26 October 2010