2010年11月17日 星期三

Horizon PC58

Horizon PC58

Horizon Yachts proudly introduces the new HORIZON PC58, a superb, luxury cruising Power Catamaran- designed, engineered and built to meet the demands of the most discerning cruising yachtsman. The astute owner of this magnificent yacht will appreciate her superior craftsmanship, modern clean styling and attention to detail. Attributes such as spacious, luxurious accommodation and large deck areas affording privacy and space normally only found on much larger motor yachts, 20knt cruising speed, 4′ draft, ease of operation and maneuverability, 360° visibility from flybridge,  high bridgedeck clearance, eye catching dock appeal and build to Horizon Yachts renowned highest quality add up to make the HORIZON PC58 a truly remarkable cruising yacht.
赫淶森遊艇(Horizon Yacht)很榮幸地為大家介紹一新款船-“HORIZON PC58”,這是一艘工藝精湛、豪華的雙體巡弋型遊艇,其設計、工程與建造等各方面絕對能滿足最挑剔的帆船遊艇玩家。眼光銳利的船主一旦擁有這艘遊艇,必定為其精湛之工藝、摩登洗鍊的外型以及各項精緻優雅的細節而讚嘆。
本遊艇提供了一般只有在大型遊艇上才具備之寬敞奢華住艙、以及能夠提供私密生活起居空間的寬闊甲板層;巡航速度達20節、吃水深度4呎,具備便利且絕佳之操控性能,開闊之望台(飛橋)甲板提供了360度的環景視野,挑高醒目的甲板建築體更是眾多遊艇碼頭遊客所投射之目光焦點,加之以赫淶森遊艇(Horizon Yacht)公司高水平之工藝技術加持,在在都更能凸顯出此巡弋型遊艇 “HORIZON PC58” 卓越非凡的真價值。
With the PC58 Horizon Yachts set out with the objective of producing a spectacular and superior cruising yacht that would enrich the boating experience of everyone who steps aboard and is sure to exceed the expectations of the most discerning, experienced yacht owner.
赫淶森遊艇(Horizon Yacht)公司對於PC58的建造抱持著一個主要目標,那就是要製造出一艘非凡而卓越的巡航遊艇,以豐富每一位登上此艇船員之駕駛樂趣,更重要的,是要達成並滿足每位經驗老練且挑剔之船主的各項期望。
The evolution of the HORIZON PC58 was a natural progression for Horizon Yachts, in their quest to meet the demands of owners around the world. The aesthetical styling, professional design and attention to every detail ensure eye catching dock appeal. The Horizon PC58 is a departure from the traditional look, fit and finish associated with charter catamarans.
對赫淶森遊艇(Horizon Yacht)公司而言,HORIZON PC58是昇華至另一階段之自然演化進程,為的就是要滿足世界各地船主之需求。本船乃是經由專業設計而創造出之絕佳美學造型與風格,建造過程中亦專注於各項細節,力求盡善盡美必定為遊艇碼頭眾多目光焦點之所在。
The HORIZON PC58 is a High Quality Yacht with Class, Stature and Grace affording True Pride of Ownership!
HORIZON PC58是一艘集古典、優雅、名望於一身之高品質遊艇,絕對配得上每一位卓越非凡船主的真價值。

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