2011年12月28日 星期三

另類跨年 搭遊艇看煙火

另類跨年 搭遊艇看煙火

跨年夜您選好位置要到哪兒去看101煙火了嗎? 除了象山、市民廣場、國父紀念館等路上景點,其實在河上也有點可以看煙火,在台北市就有一群愛好遊艇的民眾,準備搭乘私人遊艇,欣賞101煙火,據說其中一台遊艇,連周董也搭乘過。




資料來源:民視新聞網 2012-12-25

2011年12月21日 星期三

Told U So

Told U So


December 20, 2011 by Camilla Rettura

Told U So, the winner of the World Yacht Trophy for Best Interior Design, is custom made by Molori Private Retreats and created by Benetti Yachts.


This story begins with Kirk Lazarus, South African founder of the Molori brand, which incoincidently means “dreamer” or “to dream” in the South African language of Setswana. He wished to create a ‘chic maritime retreat’; meaning an extravagant super yacht defined by originality, luxury and sophistication. In reality, Told U So, is much more than the imposing and refined design it projects at first glance, surprising its guests with its highly detailed presentation of the Molori lifestyle.


This 43.6 meter vessel can accommodate up ten guests in it in its 5 guest bedrooms fused with luxury, technology and state-of-the-art-design, one them being the Owner’s Suite with a 270 degree view and meticulously decorated in custom designed furnishings and decors, including the tattle-tale Missoni textiles. The Suite also has separate bathrooms for ‘him and her’, a personal study, a screening room and a private sun terrace with a six person Jacuzzi. Nevertheless, the other guests enjoy lavish and individually styled accommodations in the lower deck which include airy and bright en-suite bathrooms; and are visibly adorned following the philosophy of the yacht.


The insistent importance given to space is recognizable once on board: the deck dining/lounging area is commodious, yet refined and intimate. The exacting use of space is surprising, televisions are hidden behind artworks or cupboards, ensuring that no space is compromised senselessly.


Customization is also another prominent element on Told U So. When designing the interiors, Lazarus exceeded any standard of exclusivity in the yachting industry. No two glasses are the same, as every object on the ship, each one has been carefully handpicked from all over the world. Not to mention, the silverware has been specifically created and custom designed by Molori.


The guests senses are relentlessly heightened throughout their stay, whether it’s the simple flow between the interior and the exterior, providing an incomparable onboard experience, whether active or relaxed, or the carefully sourced works of art, design and antiques, reflecting Lazarus’ own travels, fitting for all tastes.


Told U So surpasses any wild expectations we have of exceptionally luxurious travel, combining the all elements we revel in on a nautical sanctuary, and redefining the concept of luxury in the most lavish way possible.


Specifications of Told U So


2011年12月20日 星期二

Ferretti Group Reportedly Sold to Shandong Heavy Industry Group

Ferretti Group Reportedly Sold to Shandong Heavy Industry Group


In another major industry movement, the Ferretti Group is reportedly set to be sold to the Chinese Shandong Heavy Industry Group; a manufacturer of construction and agricultural machinery.

The Bloomberg Business Exchange recently reported that lenders to the Ferretti SpA, one of the leading Italian superyacht builders currently restructuring their assets, has undergone acquisition discussions with the China based Shandong Heavy Industry Group.

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2011年12月16日 星期五

World Superyacht Awards relocate to Turkey

World Superyacht Awards relocate to Turkey

Next year's ceremony will be held in Istanbul

The annual World Superyacht Awards, held in London for the last three years, are moving to Istanbul, Turkey. Next year's event will be held on May 5 in Çiragan Palace Kempinski, a former Ottoman palace situated on the European shores of the Bosphorus.

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STAR Capital Partners acquires Blohm & Voss Shipyards

STAR Capital Partners acquires Blohm & Voss Shipyards

STAR Capital Partners, has signed an agreement with ThyssenKrupp AG to acquire German superyacht builder Blohm & Voss Shipyards as well as it's refit business Blohm & Voss Repair.

The acquisition includes all non-military parts of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, including components supplier Blohm & Voss Industries and Blohm & Voss Oil Tools, which provides pipe-handling equipment for the oil and gas sector — leaving ThyssenKrupp to concentrate on military surface vessels and submarine construction.

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2011年12月15日 星期四








資料來源:高雄市政府海洋局 2011-12-15

緯航楊信育 為台灣擦亮遊艇王國招牌

緯航楊信育 為台灣擦亮遊艇王國招牌



一位大學畢業生為什麼甘願去當黑手學徒?後來又如何把一家鐵工廠轉型變成馳名國際的遊艇五金零件公司,在一片「阿督仔」的世界遊艇大展裡推銷台製的零件? 緯航常務董事楊信育,分享他事業成功的傳奇。


訓練扎實  學徒、送貨樣樣來




【完整內容請見《國際商情雙周刊》第332期 (2011/12/14)】

2011年12月13日 星期二

近海航訓‧夜間光雕 臺灣成功號浪漫新生

近海航訓‧夜間光雕 臺灣成功號浪漫新生




此外,在文建會慶祝建百計畫支持下,文化局還將以多元展演及音樂表演的方式宣告臺灣成功號的重生,在11、17、18日下午3時於金城里活動中心水岸廣場舉行「臺灣船與海洋風情演藝」表演活動,邀請薪傳打擊樂團、紅色炸彈爵士樂團、黃世志電視木偶劇團、廖末喜舞蹈劇場、迷思魔幻劇團、東方藝術團、Say Yes樂團&星光四班張涵雅以及本市和順國小、西門國小、長安國小的表演團體,以不同的表演形式傳揚海洋風情,於夕陽西下帶給民眾浪漫悠閒的情懷。活動期間並將播放國家地理頻道製播《鄭成功古船重現》紀錄片,與市民朋友分享臺灣及臺南登上國際頻道的榮耀。

資料來源:悠遊台灣新聞網 2011-12-12

2011年12月12日 星期一

TED論壇在台南 說在地故事

TED論壇在台南 說在地故事


主打分享創新點子的 TED論壇,TEDxTainan 12月將在台南登場。特別的是,這次是由國立成功大學學生策劃,邀來外交、音樂、遊艇等領域專家,每人用18分鐘,訴說在地的故事。

TED(Technology, Entertainment, Design 技術,娛樂,設計)論壇1984年創於美國,宗旨是分享「值得散布的理念」,微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)、導演詹姆斯柯麥隆(James Cameron)、美國前總統柯林頓(Bill Clinton)等人都曾應邀演講。


國際扶輪3470社區等團體今天召開記者會,宣傳 TEDxTainan論壇,這次論壇是由以成功大學工業與資訊管理學系學生何諺錡為首的團隊舉辦。




「TED xTainan」需購票入場,12月17日下午1時到 6時在成大成功校區格致廳舉行。


2011年12月9日 星期五

The New Horizon RP120 Motor Yacht MUSES successfully launched

The New Horizon RP120 Motor Yacht MUSES successfully launched

120' luxury yacht MUSES by Horizon Yachts

120ft RP120 motor yacht Muses is a raised pilothouse model with an open bridge, built by the Horizon shipyard and launched recently following a successful sea trial. Muses superyacht is the second Horizon vessel above 100ft sold to China this year,  featuring an exterior design by the world-renowned American yacht designer JC Espinosa. She is also the third Horizon RP120 masterpiece to grace the open waters, with her debut as one of the main brand-new superyachts in Mainland China.

RP120 Super Yacht MUSES

120' MUSES superyacht includes DNV certifications on both structural safety and stability, and her low resistance hull is designed to optimize performance when underway.

Super Yacht MUSES´s Elegant Salon

120´ luxury yacht MUSES - Luxurious Dining Area

Stunning interior design of the luxury yacht MUSES

On board Horizon luxury yacht MUSES

MUSES superyacht´s beautiful interior

After the sea trial in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Muses yacht´s new owner was very satisfied with her exceptional performance and smooth ride, and he celebrated the yacht’s maiden voyage with friends, champagne and dessert onboard.


Related News from Horizon Yachts

2011年12月8日 星期四



今年初有人發明噴射背包,同樣是利用水的噴射動力,達成在水面移動的夢想。不過由馬賽水上運動員札帕塔(Franky Zapata)發明的「海豚噴射靴」,則是將噴射口裝置在腳底,這讓使用者可以像海豚一樣頭下腳上躍入水面,隨後再從水裡翻滾跳起。


資料來源:ETtoday.net新聞雲 2011-12-07

2011年12月6日 星期二

China association forecasts big growth for boat market

China association forecasts big growth for boat market

Report expects boat ownership to grow from 1,500 to 100,000 in the next decade

A report released by the China Cruise and Yacht Industry Association (CCYIA) on Friday expects boat ownership to grow from its current number of 1,500 to more than 100,000 in the next decade. The boating market will also be worth between 50 billion yuan (US$7.8bn) and 100 billion yuan by 2021.

Zheng Weihang(鄭煒航), secretary-general of the CCYIA, said that there were 300 high-end yachts in China in 2008, but only 102 of them were registered with the Maritime Safety Administration. He said that number has continued to increase dramatically since then. Zheng and others participated in the China Yachting Industry Forum in Haikou(中國海南省海口市), which ended Sunday.

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2011年12月5日 星期一




遊艇展向來是「富豪派對」,本屆遊艇展中亦不乏價值過千萬的展品,其中包括美國Meridian 541 Sedan、台灣Ruby、台灣Dyna 63等。主辦方負責人匡湖遊艇會總經理吳宛湄表示,內地富豪群體加入將進一步鞏固「香港國際遊艇展」作為全東南亞遊艇業交易平台總樞紐的地位。此次遊艇展,共邀得來自世界各地的逾50個參展商,展品多達70艘。

星級遊艇中,尤以Meridian 541 Sedan最受矚目,遊艇加長的游泳液壓平台可以降低至水面,使乘客能在水中嬉戲。船內設有豪華幽雅的沙龍及娛樂中心。Marquis 500 Sport Bridge船上配置特大陽台,可供多人同時曬太陽。

本次展出的遊艇中,不乏最嶄新設計、最尖端科技及建構最新穎的船隻參展,單艘遊艇的價錢由數十萬至1億元不等。展覽中最長的遊艇,是榮獲設計大獎的意大利BAIA- Argonauts長101呎(約30米)的紫色遊艇,另有英國Fairline Squadron78 (Motor Yacht)也長達80呎(約24米)。而首度來港參展的意大利Sessa F54和C38遊艇,則以高科技兼環保省油的智慧型設計受到關注。


2011年12月2日 星期五

海洋產業 高市籌國際遊艇展

海洋產業 高市籌國際遊艇展








資料來源:中央通訊社 2011-11-02 記者:王淑芬報導

放眼全球趨勢 展望海洋台灣

放眼全球趨勢 展望海洋台灣

休閒管理產業高峰論壇日前於崑山科技大學盛大展開,特邀亞洲唯一排名全球前十大的豪華遊艇品牌(Horizon)、嘉鴻遊艇股份有限公司董事長鄭啟驊與年輕學子們共同探討海洋休閒產業的全球趨勢,以及台灣遊艇產業的未來展望,並分享國內外的各式遊艇,介紹其差異性、功能性與休閒性,讓與會的學子們能 夠更進一步的了解海洋休閒產業的未來發展。









2011年12月1日 星期四

Horizon E54 2012 New Model

The Launch of the First Horizon E54 with Successful Sea Trials

The Launch of the First Horizon E54 with Successful Sea Trials

The first Horizon E54 had successfully completed its official sea trial on November 23, and all the clients were impressed by its excellent maneuverability and smooth ride while driving with high-speed.

Powered with Volvo Penta 900 IPS drive technology and Joystick control system, in combination with a smart hull design, the first Horizon E54 could reach the speed of 33 knots easily during the sea trial. Also, applied with the innovative dynamic positioning system, the owner could operate the E54 easily when docking and turning. In addition, with the benefits of Humpree Automatic Boat Control Systems, all the guests onboard E54 enjoyed a smooth ride even at rough sea.

The E54 is an entry model of Horizon E series. In addition to feature with all the advanced technology and outstanding quality that can be found in all Horizon yachts, the E54 utilizes the state-of-the-art technology to reduce the noise and fuel consumption, as well as the emission of carbon dioxide. The E54 is one of eco-friendly yachts in Horizon fleet.

The Horizon E54 will show its debut at the 2012 Düsseldorf Boat show on January 21 to 29.

/ 正體中文導讀

Preparations underway for boot Düsseldorf 2012

Preparations underway for boot Düsseldorf 2012


The number of exhibitors is expected to exceed levels achieved in 2011

Around 1,600 exhibitors from over 50 countries are planning to attend boot Düsseldorf next year, exceeding levels achieved during the 2011 event.

“The international yacht and watersports business focuses its activities on boot Düsseldorf as the sector’s central European marketplace,” says Messe Düsseldorf CEO Werner Matthias Dornscheid. “This development is spurred on by the varying economic forces influencing the maritime markets.

"Germany and Northern Europe have weathered the recent crisis years far better than the countries of Southern Europe," he says. "International exhibitors wish to benefit from this.”

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