2011年1月7日 星期五

Horizon to open offices in Europe

Horizon to open offices in Europe

In an effort to overcome the effects of its relationship with the bankrupt Drettmann group, Taiwanese yacht builder Horizon is to open new sales and marketing offices in Europe.
為了一掃前歐洲合作代理商 Drettmann集團破產所帶來的陰霾,台灣豪華遊艇建造業者嘉鴻集團(赫淶森遊艇)將於歐洲開設新的銷售據點與辦事處。

Drettmann previously handled all the sales of Horizon yachts in Europe marketing them under a series of brands including Elegance, Bandido and Premier.
Drettmann之前為嘉鴻集團(赫淶森遊艇)在歐洲的主要銷售代理商,負責銷售其一系列之子品牌,包括:Elegance, Bandido 與 Premier等子品牌產品。

Horizon's new strategy is to just focus on one brand — Horizon.
目前,嘉鴻集團(赫淶森遊艇)的新策略是將所有精力集中於單一品牌名稱 - 『Horizon』

As one of Asia's largest yacht builders — and the only Far Eastern member of SYBAss — Horizon sees the move as an important step to support, maintain and expand its position in Europe.
身為亞洲最大的遊艇建造商同時也是遠東唯一的SYBAss會員 - 嘉鴻集團(赫淶森遊艇)將此舉視為在歐洲持續經營與拓展歐洲市場的一個重要步驟。

The company says it will complete all outstanding orders arranged through Drettmann and intends to work closely with SYBAss by exchanging information and expertise with other members.

Looking ahead, Horizon has begun plans to expand its range with new models between 54ft and 110ft over the next two years — and to focus on developing green yacht concepts including solar energy.

資料來源:Superyacht Business / David Robinson, 6 January 2011

