2010年10月14日 星期四

Secondhand sales still influencing new build prices

Secondhand sales still influencing new build prices

The slow pace of new orders in the global superyacht market is still being influenced by the glut of yachts available on the secondhand market.

This is the view of Hein Velema, CEO of Fraser Yachts, who has just revealed his company's annual review of the superyacht market.
這是 Fraser Yachts 船廠執行長,Hein Velema,在其公司年度審查會議時所提出的看法。

"The market has not improved as much as we had hoped," he says. "We are experiencing lower prices in the secondhand market, and there are lots of yachts still on the market.

"In March 2010 39 per cent of all superyachts were up for sale. This number dropped in September to 34 per cent so there are relatively more boats being sold than are coming in the market, which could mean a recovery in prices in the not so distant future."
2010年3月時,全球的超級遊艇有 39% 被掛牌出售,然而到了9月份時,這個數字掉到 34%;因此,相對於新上市的船艇數量,既有船艇被售出而成為二手船的數量要來的更多,這可能意味著在未來短期內,船艇的售價不會有太明顯的回升。

Velema also believes that many owners are still hanging on to their investments until the market changes. "If you are looking for a bargain yacht for sale it is there, but you will have to look for it," he advises.
同時,Velema 認為許多船主依舊在等待市場景氣好轉,所以持續保留他們的投資(遊艇)而不將之售出。他建議:“若有人想買便宜的遊艇,現在正是時候,但要記得貨比三家”

As to secondhand prices, Velema indicates that sales were good up to July, then slumped in August. Some recovery is expected during the winter. A high stock of yachts means prices are at around the same as they were nine months ago.
至於二手船市場價格,Velema 指出,今年的二手船市場景氣持續熱絡到七月,到八月份時明顯衰退;今年冬季時可望再度回溫,由目前高庫存量來看,意味著銷售價格應會與九月前的水平差不多。

資料來源:Superyacht Business / David Robinson , 13 October 2010

