2010年10月12日 星期二

Genoa 遊艇展參觀人數較去年減少7%

Visitors down 7.2 per cent at Genoa
Genoa 遊艇展參觀人數較去年減少7%

Visitor numbers fell 7.2 per cent at Genoa International Boat Show, which closed yesterday after a nine-day run attracting 260,300 visitors compared to 280,500 in 2009.
為期九天的 Genoa 國際遊艇展於昨天圓滿閉幕,據統計,今年參觀人數約260300人次,較2009年的280500人次,約減少7%.

Organisers Fiera di Genova and UCINA say that the result is 'extremely positive' in light of the economic situation and the strike and storms that hindered access to the show.
聯合主辦單位 Fiera di Genova 與 UCINA 表示,對於今年參觀遊艇展的總人次,相對於目前低迷的全世界市場景氣,結果可說是相當正面的;此外,當地的交通業者大罷工與暴風雨侵襲也是造成參展阻礙的原因。

On the opening morning of Genoa boat show, protests and a transport strike made travel to the show difficult, while severe storms on Monday and poor weather on Tuesday kept visitors away.
在 Genoa 遊艇展開幕當日早上,當地的遊行抗議及交通業大罷工事件,使得要去參觀展覽的旅途變得困難,同時星期一遭到嚴重的暴風雨侵襲,星期二的天氣狀況也不佳,在在都降低了遊客的參觀意願。

One thousand four hundred exhibitors representing 36 countries took part in the show and 2,300 boats were displayed, more than 500 of which new models. This year the show celebrated its 50th edition.
今年的 Genova 遊艇展為第50屆展覽,總計有來自36個國家,近1400家廠商參展,展示遊艇總量更高達2300艘,當中超過500艘為新品,為本屆遊艇展增添不少光彩。

The next edition of the Genoa International Boat Show will be held from October 1-9, 2011.
下一屆的 Genova 遊艇展,預計於2011年10月1~9日舉行。

資料來源:IBI News, 11 October 2010

