2011年9月30日 星期五

全台首座遊艇產業園區開發簽約 市府作後盾全力衝刺遊艇產業

全台首座遊艇產業園區開發簽約 市府作後盾全力衝刺遊艇產業







資料來源:高雄市政府全球資訊網 市政新聞 2011-09-30

2011年9月29日 星期四

重型帆船體驗 興達漁港登場

重型帆船體驗 興達漁港登場









Ski Nautique E - 100%全電力推進動力滑水艇

Ski Nautique E - A 100-Percent Electric Ski Boat
Ski Nautique E - 100%全電力推進動力滑水艇

Ski Nautique E,是一艘100%以全電力推進的動力滑水拖艇,由Nautique及一家加拿大專精研發電動馬達的LTS船艇公司所共同開發。

Ski Nautique E裝配最新科技的鋰鐵電池及兩具電動馬達,經過變速箱驅動螺旋槳,當同時拖曳4個曲道滑水者時,船速仍可達每小時40英里。

依據兩位世界滑水冠軍Andy Mapple及Whitney McClintock測試的結果,強而有力的加速完全符合比賽的需求。當電池完全充飽電後,其續航力可相當於8加侖(約30公升)的汽油。

Whitney McClintock說當她在滑花式時,唯一感到不同的就是安靜......能享受到水的聲音真好......真純淨!

1. WaterSkiMag.com
2. 光腳滑水部落格

Horizon names Greek distributor

Horizon names Greek distributor

Dynamic Boats will exclusively represent the company in Greece, Cyprus and Turkey

Dynamic Boats of Athens, Greece has been made an exclusive distributor for the Horizon Group in Greece, Cyprus and Turkey.

The family-owned firm has more than 35 years’ experience in the yachting market, and is already an exclusive dealer of Fjord motorboats in Greece and Cyprus.

Horizon builds luxury motoryachts from 16m-55m (54ft-180ft) in a range of different styles — motoryachts, megayachts, power catamarans, expedition yachts, sportsfishers and solar-powered boats.

The company claims to be among the top 10 biggest shipyards in the world, employing 700 permanent workers and officials.


2011年9月28日 星期三









2011年9月27日 星期二

9盞台灣之光 照亮百年風華

9盞台灣之光 照亮百年風華

台灣各行各業充滿「台灣之光」,照亮了全世界。國際知名頻道Discovery 報導了9個創新和傳承的台灣產業故事,在「台灣無比精采:百年風華」中呈現,與亞洲1.8億觀眾分享。









全球最高的101大樓高空煙火,光是內部拉的電線,就足夠繞著台北市由南到北走一遭,靠著鉅秀煙火、立都鷹架與蔡國強等國際團隊通力合作,數百人合力在 90層的大樓建築外層拉出綿密的煙火發射網,創造出精彩絕倫的2011年101煙火秀,讓觀眾嘆為觀止。

21世紀的金門, 雖然漸漸褪去他的戰袍,但島上仍有近10萬枚地雷尚未清除。金門排雷大隊肩負起這項極為危險的工作,將個人生死置於度外,在嚴格的訓練下,一一將地底的地雷徹底清除,讓金門民眾遠離地雷的威脅,他們是涉險完成任務的和平使者。

「百年風華」分2集於10月9日和16日晚上9時,在 Discovery頻道播出

資料來源:中央社 2011-09-27 記者:黃慧敏

經濟不景拖累銷情 遊艇業靠攏中國

經濟不景拖累銷情 遊艇業靠攏中國


關稅43% 「富豪只買名表法拉利」


不過,部分國際品牌已開始取得進展意大利高級遊艇Azimut公司,過去12個月向中國買家賣出了26艘遊艇,多為15至24米的小型遊艇。在4月的海南海天盛宴(Rendez-Vous show)遊艇展銷會,Azimut更賣出旗艦級遊艇120SL,是迄今交付中國客戶的最大遊艇。Azimut的亞太區經理法尼紮說:「中國市場潛力巨大。放眼未來,中國是目前必須開拓的市場。」顧問機構Big Blue指出,中國新晉富豪暫時只想到購買名表、法拉利跑車和豪宅,沒想過要買遊艇,吸引他們擁有遊艇,是業界最大挑戰

港廠商推節能艇 技術媲外國

據估計,中國現時約有150間造船廠生產遊艇,它們以低成本、高質素與歐美船廠競爭,近年開始由出口轉戰本土市場,包括內地的海星(Heysea)和本港的東海(Kingship)。東海在珠三角的造船廠製造了5艘遊艇,現正打造長約43米的Green Voyager遊艇,採用西門子的柴油電力推進系統,比同級傳統遊艇節能20%。該船廠獲得了Lloyds和英國海事部門認證,在西方主導的超級遊艇業有一定地位,反映中國製造並不等同低技術由於內地買家較追捧外國名牌,海星暫未接到任何內地訂單。



買豪華超級遊艇 中國很闊氣

買豪華超級遊艇 中國很闊氣




超級遊艇月刊(Superyatch Group)亞洲區編輯布雷德表示:「金磚四國買家的購買情況比三、四年前,更為活躍。」





中國買主最近購買的級遊艇包括65公尺的「劉夫人」(Lady Lau),這艘遊艇去年下水,該遊艇客房包括泰式、中國式和埃及式。




資料來源:聯合晚報 2011-09-27



9月23-25日,以“名艇 名湖--品質生活與大自然之約”為主題的2011中國杭州千島湖國際遊艇展在美麗的千島湖畔隆重舉行。


Fuzhou to create yacht industry

Fuzhou to create yacht industry

The capital of China’s Fujian province has plans for four yacht-building parks and 18 marinas

The city of Fuzhou in the Fujian province of southwest China has outlined plans for the development of its yachting industry, according to newspaper China Daily.

Fuzhou’s ‘Yachting Industry Development Plan’ foresees the creation of four yacht industrial parks in Mawei, Huludao Island, Kemen and Jiangyin Bandao Island along with 18 marinas. In the next five years 50 yachts are expected to be in use of the Minjiang River, according to the report.

An exhibition centre dedicated to boat shows is currently under development, with 6.67 hectares of water behind Fuzhou Strait International Conference and Exhibition Centre being converted.

Over 200 docks are to be built while on land two projects are expected to be completed by the end of 2012 — an international yacht marina club and a hotel specialising in yachting, according to the paper.

Fuzhou Blue Ocean Yacht Co Ltd is reportedly the city’s first yachting company. The company will build Fuzhou’s yacht exhibition hall before establishing the city’s first yacht club.

The city held its first boat show on September 15 at Shiou Shangjiangcheng Club in South Jiangbin. China Daily reports that Princess Yachts and Seadoo were among the brands in attendance.


Project Utopia by BMT Nigel Gee and Yacht Island Design

Project Utopia by BMT Nigel Gee and Yacht Island Design


UKs’s leading independent design consultancy BMT Nigel Gee, a subsidiary of the BMT Group, has announced its latest design Project Utopia, developed in partnership with Yacht Island Design.  Project Utopia, an avant‐garde vision of a future concept breaks the traditional naval architectural mould which the market has come to expect and offers a truly unique outlook free from any conventional design constraints.



James Roy, Yacht Design Director at BMT Nigel Gee explains: “Visions of the future are often constrained by familiarity with the present or reflection on the past.  Much is made in today’s design community of starting with a blank sheet of paper yet many, if not all yacht concepts revert back to the traditional form – the perception that a yacht should be a form of transport becomes an immediate constraint. Utopia is not an object to travel in, it is a place to be, an island established for anyone who has the vision to create such a place.”

Read More

中文延伸閱讀:海上浮島烏托邦 無敵景觀

2011年9月22日 星期四

Monaco Yacht Show 2011

Monaco Yacht Show 2011



月底簽約 台灣遊艇產業專區邁大步

月底簽約 台灣遊艇產業專區邁大步







資料來源:自由時報電子報 2011-09-22 記者:曹明正/高雄報導

US retail boat sales shows positive gains for August

US retail boat sales shows positive gains for August

Outboard boats up four per cent in retail sales, while declines of other types continue to slow

Info-Link’s August Bellwether report showed the first positive gain in unit retail sales since February 2006. The Bellwether report measures leading boating states, accounting for about half of new-boat registrations in the US.

The report showed about a two per cent gain for total unit sales in the 12-month period through August compared to the same period a year ago. The gains were driven by the outboard boat market which saw sales increase by nearly five percent for the year-over-year comparison.

Sales in other segments continue to be down, but  their rates of sales decline have slowed.

Retail sales in the sterndrive/jetboat category were down about six percent for the year-over-year period, but that rate was about 12 per cent last month.

The decline in personal watercraft sales also slowed in August, down 9 percent compared to 11 per cent in July. Sales of Ski Boats were also down 10 per cent in August, with about a percentage point gain compared to July.

The decline in sportfishing boat sales also slowed by about one per cent last month compared to July.


Brazil increases tax on imported boats

Brazil increases tax on imported boats

Import duty for sport and leisure inboard engine boats raised from 20 to 35 per cent

The Brazilian government has approved a new import duty for goods deemed to be having an adverse impact on domestic businesses. Leisure boats were included in a list drawn up by the country’s Chamber of Foreign Trade CAMEX, of seven product sectors deemed to be most problematic. Effective from September 15, sports and leisure inboard engines boats will have their import duty raised from 20 to 35 per cent.

Alessandro Teixeira, executive secretary of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, said that the measure was not protectionism, but rather “trade protection”.

Brazilian boatbuilders association ACOBAR welcomed the new regulation. “This action brings relief to the boat industry as it is based on an extensive use of workers and consequently create lots of jobs,” said ACOBAR president Eduardo Colunna. He also added: "We are always open to receive foreign companies that wants to settle here in Brazil thinking in a long term strategy."

In 2010, Brazil was one of the world's biggest importers. With its growing economy and recession looming once more in the traditional Western markets, Brazil has become a priority export destination for companies wishing to broaden market share around the world. The rising value of the Brazilian Real has also helped increase the competitiveness of foreign products in Brazil.


2011年9月21日 星期三

首座玻璃媽祖船 下月點燈亮相

首座玻璃媽祖船 下月點燈亮相






資料來源: 中時電子報 2011-09-20 記者:吳敏菁/彰化報導

中國重慶擬建11個遊艇基地 打造西部遊艇交易中心

中國重慶擬建11個遊艇基地 打造西部遊艇交易中心





資料來源: 新華網 2011-09-20

Sunseeker reports profit growth

Sunseeker reports profit growth

UK powerboat builder Sunseeker's parent company Sunseeker Yacht Holdings, has reported sales of £275.5m with EBITDA increased to £25.5m, according to the company financial report for the year ending in July 2011.

That compares to £304.5m and £4.9m respectively for 2010.

The company says that profit growth has been driven by an increase in sales in newer yachting markets such as Russia and Brazil, with Asia taking over 20 per cent of sales compared to less than five per cent three years ago.

Sunseeker also reports a net cash position of £6m at year end and no un-sold finished boats in stock.

"This has been a fantastic year for Sunseeker," says Stewart McIntyre, Sunseeker's managing director. "The yachts are more valued than ever and our product range, balance sheet and distribution network have all combined to produce very strong financial results, which we are highly confident we will continue to improve upon in the next twelve months."

Sunseeker has invested £50m in the last five years and delivered 90 boats over 24m (90ft) in the same period.

The latest addition to its range is the Manhattan 53, which has been launched at Cannes and Southampton Boat Shows this month.

Sunseeker is expected to launch a new Portofino 40 motoryacht in Q2 2012.

Source: Superyacht Business, 19 September 2011

2011年9月19日 星期一

International Superyacht Society names award finalists

International Superyacht Society names award finalists

The International Superyacht Society released its lists of finalists for the 2011 International Design Awards.

For more than 20 years, ISS’s Design Awards — based entirely on peer review — have celebrated the finest naval architecture, design, interiors, engineering and builds the large yacht industry presents annually.

Each year, nominees are submitted to ISS by the large yacht industry’s leading builders, designers and stewards.

The categories include:

• Power: three awards for size categories 24- to 40-meter; 40- to 65-meter; and larger than 65 meters

• Sail: two awards for size categories 24- to 40-meter; and larger than 40 meters

• Interior design: one award for power or sail

• Best refit: one award for power or sail

Winners will be announced at 7 p.m. Oct. 27 at ISS’s annual International Design Awards Gala at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale.

Click here for the best sail finalists.

Click here for the best refit finalists.

Click here for the best power 65-meter-plus finalists.

Click here for the best power 24- to 40-meter and 40- to 65-meter finalists.


Other related links:
ISS Announces 2011 Design Awards Finalists, Including New Refit Award
International Superyacht Society announces 2011 design award finalists

日本6勇士泳渡黑潮 長泳百餘公里「謝謝台灣」

日本6勇士泳渡黑潮 長泳百餘公里「謝謝台灣」






挑戰這項艱鉅任務的泳者共有:鈴木一也(SUZUKI KAZUYA)鈴木敦士(SUZUKI ATSUSHI)石井健太(ISHII KENTA)山本晴基(HARUKI YAMAMOTO)山田浩平(YAMADA KOUHEI)清水雅也(SHIMISU MASAYA)等6人。他們自沖繩縣與那國島抵達宜蘭蘇澳(直線距離110公里),接力長泳路線全程約150公里,從9月17日上午7時出發,9月19日上午10時許抵達蘇澳豆腐岬海灘。






資料來源:今日新聞網 2011-09-19 記者:陳木隆/宜蘭報導

拖板車前導 遊艇「路上行舟」

拖板車前導 遊艇「路上行舟」







資料來源:蘋果日報 2011-09-17 記者:魏斌╱高雄報導

2011年9月18日 星期日

全球第一人!日77歲阿公航海家 8度單獨駕船環遊世界

全球第一人!日77歲阿公航海家 8度單獨駕船環遊世界


資料來源:自由時報 2011-09-18

2011年9月16日 星期五

Toyota targets China with new boat

Toyota targets China with new boat

The Japanese giant will not be selling the 11m (35ft) Ponam model outside Asia

Car-building multinational Toyota has launched a new 11m (35ft) motorboat on its home market of Japan, with the intention of also marketing the boat in China.

The Ponam 35 joins the already existing 28 and 45 on the range but is reportedly the ‘first of a new class’ of vessels with which Toyota hopes to expand its leisure marine activities.

Running on two V8 motors adapted from the 4.5-litre engine found in Toyota’s Land Cruiser SUV, the Ponam 35 has a hull built in rigid aluminium alloy that benefits from the form-modelling expertise Toyota more commonly applies to its cars.

Designed to accommodate 12 people and for use on inshore waters, the Ponam 35 carries a price tag of 59m yen and will not be marketed outside of Asia.

Toyota is reportedly Japan’s third-largest boatbuilder, with Yamaha Motor and Yanmar taking the top two spots.








Asia yachting 的105尺遊艇,Jebsen 的78尺豪華意大利遊艇,歐尼爾的72尺Maquis美國公爵遊艇,辛普森的意大利AZIMUT82、AZIMUT70等6艘船, 卓越、飛馳的5艘豪華遊艇,太陽鳥3艘分別為88尺,78尺,68尺的遊艇,海星的78尺、60尺遊艇,長河的76尺遊艇,珠海先歌正在打造的IAG100尺“巨無霸”也有望10月完工,在深圳遊艇展進行全球首發。

往年亮相的企業,今年均有所突破,有的不再展示模型,直接帶實體遊艇參加,來船的規模普遍翻了一番以上。歐尼爾遊艇去年只有2艘遊艇展出,今年增加到6艘。廈門毅宏去年只帶了一艘Sea-Stella 63ft,結果在現場被預訂2艘,今年決定派3條船參展。




2011年9月15日 星期四








資料來源:中央社 2011-09-15

2011年9月13日 星期二

亞洲遊艇王 登上Discovery頻道 促推廣遊艇觀光

亞洲遊艇王 登上Discovery頻道 促推廣遊艇觀光





呂佳揚並致力研發太陽能動力艇,2009年與德國Solar Water World AG公司合作開發,打造全台首艘太陽能電力推進遊艇。他認為高雄人勤奮、學校人力資源充足,再加上傳統工藝對遊艇的附加價值,希望有更多在地年輕人投入。

資料來源:中央廣播電台 2011/9/11 撰稿‧編輯:邱莉苓  新聞引據:聯合報

台灣100無比精采 精彩影片搶先看

2011年9月7日 星期三

10 Coolest Solar Powered Boats Promising Emission Free Cruises

10 Coolest Solar Powered Boats Promising Emission Free Cruises

As the drive for ecofriendly transportation modes is gathering momentum, many new and innovative ideas are surfacing everyday with the promise of a greener future. River or water transportation is one such area where newer ecofriendly ideas are taking shape almost on a daily basis. Old gas guzzling boats are being replaced by newer boats powered by renewable energy sources. Here I am going to tell you about 10 such boats which are powered by solar energy and have the potential of changing the face of water transport in the future.

1. The SunCat23 Catamaran
http://horizonyacht.com/FileDownLoad/Models/SunCat 23-2.jpg

Developed by a Taiwanese company named Horizon Yachts, the SunCat23 Catamaran uses solar energy to fulfill its energy needs. The solar panels fitted on top of the boat are capable of generating 760 watts of energy which, in turn, powers a 2.8 kW electric motor. This gives the SunCat23 a top speed of 6 knots and the ability to carry 12 passengers onboard.

2. Solar Proa Catamaran
solar proa 1
The Solar Proa catamaran uses energy from the ray of sun to power itself. The boat has been designed by a team of designers which includes the likes of Carolin Dissmann, Daniel Boos, Andreas Schwab, and Tibor Bartholoma. Solar PV panels cover the top, front and the rear of the boat. The boat is capable of taking six people for a peaceful ride on the river.

3. ARK Solar Boat
ARK Solar Boat
The design of the ARK solar boat has been conceived by Janne Leppanen. The boat has a huge open surface much like a basketball court. The entire surface of the boat has been fitted with multilayered solar panels which drives the electric motor of the boat. The hull of the boat has been made from reinforced plastic fiber that makes the boat light and strong at the same time.

4. Solar Yacht by Novague Studio
 novague solar powered electric yacht concept 4
The Solar powered yacht concept by Novague Studio is unique in the sense that the solar panels fitted on the boat spread out on both sides like the wings of a plane. The panels transform sun’s rays into electricity that powers the electric motor that the boat runs on.

5. Poseidon Solar Yacht
Designed by Demetrius Tanase, the Poseidon solar yacht concept combines comfort and eco-consciousness in the most perfect manner. The Poseidon is a 12 meter long boat that uses solar energy to fulfill its electricity needs. The solar panels that transforms sun’s rays into usable electricity has been fitted on the sails of the boat. The designer of the boat has used extremely thin solar films so that they can be fitted on the sails. The design of the yacht has been done in a manner that would reduce drag and increase energy efficiency.

6. Volitan Solar and wind powered boat
The Volitan boat concept harnesses both solar and wind energy to fulfill its energy needs. That is why, the boat has been fitted with solid sails and double-layered solar panels. The body of the boat has been made from carbon fiber composites and epoxy resin which makes the boat incredibly light and stiff. The solar panels on the Volitan have been fitted on two wings which rise vertically from the top of the boat. Electricity generated by the solar panels is used to drive a pair of 222 HP electric motors.

7. Pedal-powered solar boat
Solar Pedal Boat by Jonathan Mahieddine » image 1
The pedal-powered boat has been conceived by Jonathan Mahieddine. The primary energy that the boat is powered by comes from the people taking a ride in it. It is a pedal boat. But whenever the occupants get tired of peddling, there is a battery pack fitted on the boat which takes over the job of powering it. To provide electricity to the battery, the boat has been equipped with solar panels that are fitted on top of a pole that rises from the middle of the boat.

8. Mercury Marine’s Hybrid Boat
The hybrid boat concept from Mercury Marine uses both solar energy and fossil fuel to meet its energy requirements. Equipped with a pair of QSC 550 HP diesel engine and a lithium-ion battery pack, this ‘green’ boat concept does show some potential as far as the future boat market is concerned. The lithium-ion battery pack gets electricity from the solar panels fitted on top of the boat.

9. Loon solar powered boat
The design team of one of the most successful green cars in the world, the Aptera, has now conceived a boat which uses solar energy to power itself. They call it the Loon. The boat comes fitted with a solar panel that is capable of generating 1000 watts of clean energy from the rays of the sun. That energy is used to power an all electric motor that gives the Loon a top speed of 7 knots and a range of almost 35 miles.

10. The Leviathan
leviathan 6
The Leviathan green yacht concept uses both the sun and the wind to give its occupants a green ride. The concept has been created by industrial designer Adam Valmassoi who believes the future of transportation lies in using green energy. The boat runs on a pair of electric jet pump engines which gets its energy from the solar panels and the wind turbines fitted on the boat.


Innovations in Russian shipbuilding

Innovations in Russian shipbuilding

Russian designers and shipbuilders in St. Petersburg have set a new world record by successfully casting the world’s largest ship with a 100 percent composite material body. The height of the ship is eight meters, and its displacement is almost one thousand tons.

The record was set at the shop where a new mine sweeper is being built to carry out an order by the Russian Defence Ministry. This will be a state-of-the-art ship with a carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic hull. In its characteristics, the ship surpasses all existing projects of this class, says the general director of the Sredne-Hevsky Shipyard, Vladimir Seredokho.

“The shipyard has been building ships with fiberglass hulls for over 40 years, and the first such ship was launched in 1963. It was also an anti-mine ship. At present, we have started implementing a new project using innovative technologies. We use the most advanced materials such as woven glass and carbon cloth. We are also using a new technology, vacuum infusion. This is a non-contact method,” says Vladimir Seredokho.

The shell of the ship is formed using a special fibre. Later, it is impregnated with a special solution without the involvement of workers since the process is controlled by a computer. Then the composite materials are allowed to solidify. Such a hull does not second to a steel one in endurance, although it weighs only 70 tons instead of 200 tons, says Vladimir Seredokho.

“Our achievement is that we could coordinate latest developments in making new materials and programmes, and we could automate the entire process. This is partially done in other countries. We coordinated all processes and locked them up and made them more controllable. Moreover, we could form the hull with an 8-meter-high board. Earlier, it was less than five meters. We are the first to solve this technological problem,” Vladimir Seredokho said.

The defence Ministry needs ships with composite hulls for anti-mine defence and patrolling the sea border. The main advantage of these ships is that radars cannot track them. Moreover, they do not corrode and consume less fuel since they are lighter.

The production of ships using composite materials is a dual technology, which will be used to build high-speed passenger boats, yachts and ferries.

The achievement of the designers and shipbuilders in St. Petersburg will be included in the Guinness Book of World Records and other special international publications. This is an important achievement in the use of advanced technology and a new step in promoting shipbuilding.


2011年9月6日 星期二




10月將舉行的「聖保羅遊艇博覽會」(Sao Paulo Boat Show),進口公司薩洛爾(Sailor)將推出第1艘登陸巴西的中國大陸製遊艇Oceania 22號,售價約10萬元巴幣(約6萬2500美元)。

薩洛爾公司經理雅巴加達(Leonardo Yabagata)說,他們的產品主要針對不在意品牌名稱的新貴一族。

聖保羅遊艇博覽會主席巴修爾尼克(Ernani Paciornik)認為,雖然業界對中國大陸廠商有意進軍巴西市場頗感意外,但也稱不上驚奇;既然中國企業已大舉進攻巴西市場,遊艇業也不免例外。


目前巴西市面上銷售的遊艇,約85%都是國產品,而現有船身長度6.9公尺的遊艇,沒有任何一種型號具備等同於Oceania 22號水準的配備。


薩洛爾於5年前設立,目前在全巴西已有36家代理行,另外15家在申請註冊中。由於Oceania 22號遊艇全為手工打造的遊艇,巴西公司打算今年只進口12艘,其中4艘已有顧客洽購中。


資料來源:Taiwan News 2011-09-01 中央社 記者:唐雅陵 報導

高雄市政府報編政策 將循「高雄遊艇產業園區」模式進行

高雄市政府報編政策 將循「高雄遊艇產業園區」模式進行






資料來源:中時電子報 2011-09-06

Kha Shing upgrades facilities

The Taiwanese builder of Monte Fino motoryachts can now build up to 44m (144ft) in length

Kha Shing, the Taiwanese builder of Monte Fino motoryachts, has upgraded its facilities to allow it to build yachts up to 44m (144ft) in length. This is the final stage of a $20m, two-year investment programme that has included adding another 15,000sq m to the existing facilities and the building of two additional sheds.

Currently the length of the largest Monte Fino built to date stands at 37m, but the Monte Fino sales team is optimistic that this will soon be exceeded.

"Our model range has been transformed over the past two years," says Nigel Stevens of Monte Fino Europe, "with the addition of the 26m (85ft) Eco-yacht and the more sporty S-range, and we are currently finalising the first of yet another new line which we look forward to announcing shortly."

2011年9月1日 星期四

Discovery頻道 - 台灣無比精彩 亞洲遊艇王 觀眾分享會

Discovery頻道 台灣無比精彩 觀眾分享會
